Entering journalism arena

I’m writing from an Internet kiosk with many eager journalists waiting in line, so I’ll be brief. Kerry gave a well-received speech this morning. His speech was a good blend of his current campaign talking points and addressing the concerns of attendees. I hope Bush does this well tomorrow.

So far, the media and career fair is very useful for me — primarily for making contacts although the critique I received for news writing gave included some good pointers and positive feedback.

It’s fun trying to balance my time at the fair with the workshops and everything else I want to do in the Beltway. There should be some fun tonight at the convention hotel — many receptions will be underway.

I’ve jotted down many thoughts on my eMate. I’ll be updating the blog with these entries whenever I can.

First off: Journalism Arena

Why didn’t I sign up for UNITY six months ago? I found out yesterday that Iron Chef Morimoto would be at Friday’s AAJA gala. However, there’s a considerable waitlist with the show “sold out.” I also found out that he wouldn’t be speaking, but “attending.”

In addition to the Iron Chef, someone named Connie Chung is supposed to be speaking. However, seeing Morimoto in person would’ve made my day.

More later.